by Sven E Carlsson
I categorize functions of film sound in ..[1] A sound may have many functions at the
same time.
The main function of synchronous film sound is - as I see it - to give life and body to flat moving images. Sound enhance the illusion of..
Sound is in 1-2-3-4 dimensions, moving images is in 1-2-4 dimension, Images gets "body" and space by synchresis
Something is made of plastic but it sounds stone A fake bottle becomes real with the addition of an actual glass bottle crash from the sound editors library.
Different shots made at various times bridged by sound and dialogue
Sound from speakers and image from screen Read my text "Sound of Moving Images - Sound of Illusions"
Kerner's "creating illusion" is an illusion of "Off Screen Enviroment"-
A couple of years ago, when I was very
inspired of Chion I made these terms to try to explain the narrative functions
of film sound.
focus perception to on-screen or off screen sound. modifying the emotional quality of a sound using sonic cinematic codes in the narrative as..
1. "Functions of film sound: illusion & narration"
is variant of
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