The Emotional Sounds
of Star Wars
"Dramatic emotional approach" was used instead of "Realistic approach" Since Ben Burtt is trained scientifically, part of his attitude is first the literal one. He asks himself:" It this sound-producing object really existed, what would it sound like?" Ben Burtt:
You want to be in touch with sounds that are convincing, and there is no better place to go than the truth.
When I initially started on star wars, I asked George Lucas "Are we going to do a movie which is that 2001 style, because I am a physics graduate and I can give you that kind of soundtrack or I can forget all that and we can put in anything that we want. He said: "Well we are going to have music
and if you are not going to justify where the orchestra comes from,
I guess we can have any kind of sound we want." We sort of nodded and said
"Let’s go for what is emotionally right." We will put in a sound if we
feel we need it for impact or for dramatic value. So we threw out the physic
ideas and went with sound in space, which turned out to be a lot more fun.
do you create sounds for a fantastic universe?
story behind the creation of the lasergun sound
Sound Design of Star Wars Episode 1
from The Phantom Menace
To Film Sound Design