Direct Sound and Reflected Sound
[Sound Perspective]
Direct sound issues
from the source itself, such as those frequencies coming from an
actors mouth.
When a person is close to us, we hear essentially direct sound
including low-frequency chest tones.
As the person moves farther away, we hear more of the reflected
Unfortunatly "direct sound"
is also synonym for the original production sound
sound is
produced by the direct sound bouncing off the walls, floor etc.
Reflected sound s much more complex in character than direct sound
because the surfaces are at different distances from the source
and have widely varying reflective properties.
Interiors that contains a lot of hard surfaces - glass, stone,
metal, etc. - are said to be "live" because their high reflectivity.
Soft or porous materials, like carpeting, draperies and upholstered
furniture, are sound deadening. As furniture is moved into a empty
room, the acoustics became "dead".
Close perspective sound
contains a high ratio of direct
sound to reflected sound
Distant perspective sound contains
a high ratio of reflected sound to
direct sound
More about Sound
Perspektiv at Queen's Film Studies (Audiomovies in Quicktime)
Updated 22/3 1997
by Sven E Carlsson